Project Mexico and St Innocent Orphanage

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Growing Up at St Innocent by Pabayo

The time I spent in other orphanages before the ranch felt like an eternity. The abuse I endured at the other orphanage had become too much for me to take. The day I arrived at St Innocent Orphanage I was a confused six-year-old sitting in a car and just trying to figure out where I was and where I was going.

My childhood at St Innocent Orphanage was fun. I played marbles and tops and sometimes Pokémon. I went to school and to church. I drew and painted and grew to love playing soccer with my brothers. I have so many good memories. The ranch became my home. It is my family. The place I feel most comfortable in this world.

When I arrived, I was rude, didn’t listen and I would bother the younger boys. But the ranch gave me what I needed to be the man I am today through education and time. By education, I don’t just mean school, although it was an important part, I also learned discipline, guidance, direction and faith. It took time and patience and the space to grow and mature.

The church had a big role in my growth. Even though for a while I went just because I had to, the spiritual life made me stronger. I feel the presence of God in my life. Christ says to come to Him and to get to know Him. I feel that. His presence fills me with peace. Knowing God gives me purpose and church is no longer an obligation. My faith is something that I have chosen. This became clear to me in high school, when my classmates would challenge me for having faith, sometimes making fun, but I never doubted. My base is too strong. I know the Truth.

I am studying Psychology at the University. I enjoy my classes even though the assignments can seem unending. I’ve changed so much since I first arrived. The uncertain little boy, unsure of where he is or where he is going is gone. I have goals. I want to make a life for myself. My goals may seem ordinary but the simple things in life are what is most important to me like finishing my degree, having a career, and my own family. Maybe one day I will have loftier goals, but honestly, these simple goals seem like a privilege. Having an education, a career and a family is a luxury for so many people and I am blessed that these goals are within my reach.

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