graduation celebration

Growing Up at St Innocent by Pabayo

At graduation

The time I spent in other orphanages before the ranch felt like an eternity. The abuse I endured at the other orphanage had become too much for me to take. The day I arrived at St Innocent Orphanage I was a confused six-year-old sitting in a car and just trying to figure out where I was and where I was going.

My childhood at St Innocent Orphanage was fun. I played marbles and tops and sometimes Pokémon. I went to school and to church. I drew and painted and grew to love playing soccer with my brothers. I have so many good memories. The ranch became my home. It is my family. The place I feel most comfortable in this world.

When I arrived, I was rude, didn’t listen and I would bother the younger boys. But the ranch gave me what I needed to be the man I am today through education and time. By education, I don’t just mean school, although it was an important part, I also learned discipline, guidance, direction and faith. It took time and patience and the space to grow and mature.

The church had a big role in my growth. Even though for a while I went just because I had to, the spiritual life made me stronger. I feel the presence of God in my life. Christ says to come to Him and to get to know Him. I feel that. His presence fills me with peace. Knowing God gives me purpose and church is no longer an obligation. My faith is something that I have chosen. This became clear to me in high school, when my classmates would challenge me for having faith, sometimes making fun, but I never doubted. My base is too strong. I know the Truth.

I am studying Psychology at the University. I enjoy my classes even though the assignments can seem unending. I’ve changed so much since I first arrived. The uncertain little boy, unsure of where he is or where he is going is gone. I have goals. I want to make a life for myself. My goals may seem ordinary but the simple things in life are what is most important to me like finishing my degree, having a career, and my own family. Maybe one day I will have loftier goals, but honestly, these simple goals seem like a privilege. Having an education, a career and a family is a luxury for so many people and I am blessed that these goals are within my reach.

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Voice of Hope: A Message from the Executive Director

The Swanson Family joining the Project Mexico and St Innocent Orphanage Ministry

Voice of Hope

A Message from the Executive Director

Every day and in every way we are getting better and better. This is the message I remind myself of frequently. It is important to keep this fallen world in perspective. Despite this reality, we cannot lose sight of the goodness in us and the miracles God performs daily. I want to remind you that there is still so much good in the world and we should not let the evil we experience cause us to lose sight of that.

I have lived in Mexico for more than thirteen years and have witnessed my share of suffering. Hope is the true champion and this newsletter will give you a glimpse of some the great news just south of the border.

This year, through God’s grace, we will have a full homebuilding season and welcome hundreds of faithful volunteers as they build homes for dozens of Mexican families. I was inspired by one of our missionaries who shared a fresh and powerful insight, “don’t listen to the people who have not come down to serve but ask the people who have, and they will tell you it is amazing here and you won’t regret it.”

We are happy to announce the Swanson family are joining the ministry. Zach and Sophia Swanson were work-trip coordinators in 2016 have committed to move back to Tijuana to help grow the Church.

Through the blessing of Archbishop Elpidophoros and Metropolitan Gerasimos, Zach will be ordained and bring his family to Mexico to serve. As the Executive Director my responsibilities have expanded tremendously and Project Mexico has a great need for more pastoral support. I am confident Zach’s degree from Holy Cross Seminary and his years of parish experience will allow him to truly be a vessel of God’s grace.

Great things are happening and our God, who is Good, is blessing us all. Share the good news and be the Voice of Hope in this world, which needs the message of Christ’s love and brilliant light.

In Christ,

Father Nicholas Andruchow
Priest and Executive Director