
Episode: 30 - Answering YOUR Questions! (Feat. Faeli Heise)

Greetings everyone! We have a very special episode for you all this week. Firstly, we are answering the question YOU all sent in! And secondly, we are joined by the past host of the podcast, Faeli Heise! It's a blast of an episode, answering questions such as what are some of the favorite foods of the boys, how to become an intern, and what our favorite shirt is! So sit back, plug in some headphones, and enjoy the show!

Where to find & support Faeli: &

Sign up for homebuilding and internships at:

If you have a question you want to have answered on the show you can send them to:

If you would like to contact Project Mexico & St. Innocent Orphanage, you can call us at: (619)-426-4610

Instagram: @projectmexicosio

Facebook: Project Mexico & St. Innocent Service Works

Episode: 18 - Father Christian Siskos


Stories of Hope is a Podcast exploring the faith-affirming experiences of service work.

In episode 18 of Stories of Hope, we speak with Fr. Christian Siskos, a good friend of Project Mexico. Fr. Christian shares what it means to be an "at home" missionary and his thoughts on the priesthood. Prepare yourself for a thoughtful, spiritually enriching conversation. An immense thank you to Fr. Christian for his time!

Fr. Christian has his very own podcast, "Hidden Lives" where he interviews Orthodox Christians of varying professions. Check it out here.