Episode: 15 - Father Nicholas Andruchow (Part 1)


Stories of Hope is a Podcast exploring the faith-affirming experiences of Project Mexico.

In the return of Stories of Hope, we bring you a two-parter episode with a long awaited guest: the man you all know and love and maybe slightly fear, Father Nicholas Andruchow (or simply known as “Padre”). 

Father Nicholas shares stories from his long history with Project Mexico, what it's like raising a family at St. Innocent Ranch, and his unique perspective serving as the on-sight priest of the last 10 years.. And as you’ll know if you’ve ever heard his sermons, he’s a fantastic story teller!

Check back for part 2 of our interview with Father Nick. 

Find out more about Project Mexico at www.projectmexico.org

ANNOUNCEMENT: we’re preparing for a special Q&A episode! Send in your podcast, Project Mexico, and wildcard questions to our podcast email: pmstoriesofhope@gmail.com