Project Mexico and St Innocent Orphanage

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Missionary Profile: Thomas Ingram

OCMC Missionary - Thomas Ingram

My name is Thomas Ingram. I grew up in Huntington Beach, California. I was baptized Roman Catholic as a baby and had a Catholic education all the way up until college. However, in my early teens, I started attending Protestant mass on Sundays. Because of my Protestant influence, I attended a Quaker University in Oregon. This is also when I encountered Orthodoxy. After my sophomore year, I went on a short-term Protestant mission trip to Romania and Moldova. Our group leader thought it would be important for our team to experience an Orthodox Church service (liturgy) in Romania so as to understand the Romanian culture better. It was the first time I had been to an Orthodox service. I left that liturgy with many questions. When I returned to Oregon, I began attending an Orthodox church in Portland. Two and half years later I was baptized Orthodox. Glory to God!!

Why did you decide to become a full-time missionary, and also specifically work for Project Mexico?

I never saw myself as a missionary when moving down to Project Mexico. When I had gotten the invitation from Project Mexico to live down there to help spearhead their agricultural and beautification desires, I considered it a good opportunity to be a part of an Orthodox organization (which I had been desiring) and to do agricultural work which I enjoy doing. It wasn’t until time went on a little while longer at Project Mexico that I thought, “I guess my work could be technically considered missionary work.” 

What are your responsibilities and contributions to the organization?

My role with Project Mexico is diverse; a standard feature of Christian non-profit organizations. While my main role is centered around the implementation of agricultural projects and the beautification of Project Mexico by such things as planting trees, creating beautiful spaces, and helping spearhead our animal program—my duties also include helping facilitate the maintenance of our vehicles with our local mechanic as well as maintenance of the facilities. I repair broken pipes. Work with local electricians when we are having issues and make sure the Orphanage has clean drinking water. I also fundraise and travel to parishes to support the projects I implement.

How you have grown personally since you came to work for Project Mexico full-time?

I have been stretched in certain areas of my life while living at Project Mexico. I have, probably more than ever before, been starkly confronted with what it means to actually put my trust in God. There have been several challenging situations where the way to move forward was out of my control and/or capability. These situations created the opportunity for me to be humbled and to put my faith and trust in God.

You can make a difference today! Support Thomas’ hard work with a monthly donation for a cup of coffee, burrito or donate for an agriculture project on the ranch.